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Decorate Storybook with MirageJS

13 Apr, 2021

TL;DR Check out the published addon: storybook-mirage

When building and testing an application or service, eventually the need to mock communication with another service arises. For client-side web applications, that usually means mocking HTTP requests to a server. Starting out, this could be done using a library like fetch-mock or simply manually mocking methods on an API client module using jest.mock. As the app grows and/or the team expands, something more robust and realistic is required to scale, as well as provide the ability to mock requests outside of the test environment; a downside of the solutions mentioned previously.

This is where tooling like MirageJS comes in.

Mirage JS is an API mocking library that lets you build, test and share a complete working JavaScript application without having to rely on any backend services.

By intercepting outgoing HTTP requests, Mirage can exist outside a test environment and provide a source of truth for interacting with an external service. The docs share the many scenarios and setups in which Mirage can be useful when developing an app. I appreciate the familiar route handler syntax and use of factories for quick data creation without leaking too much of the implementation. In my experience so far, Mirage has allowed several teams to collaborate with this shared server interface; speeding up their testing and prototyping workflow. In regards to prototyping, the Mirage docs do not yet specify it can be used with Storybook, which is what this article hopes to provide.

Storybook is an open source tool for developing UI components in isolation for React, Vue, Angular, and more. It makes building stunning UIs organized and efficient.

Storybook provides “decorators” as a way to “augment your stories with extra rendering or gather details about how your story is rendered”.

If your components are “connected” and require side-loaded data to render, you can use decorators to provide that data in a mocked way, without having to refactor your components to take that data as an arg.

Using decorators to provide data

By defining a functional component that starts and loads a Mirage server, the stories can be decorated with mocked API handlers.

// withServer.js

import {
} from "@storybook/addons";

export const withServer = makeServer => (StoryFn) => {
const server = useRef();

useEffect(() => {
server.current = makeServer();
return () => server.current.shutdown();
}, []);

return StoryFn();

The decorator uses hooks from the @storybook/addons package. It is set up with the server creator function, which is cleaned up when the story is unmounted.

// .storybook/preview.js

export const decorators = [withServer(makeServer)];

While the example decorator simply starts and stops the Mirage server, it could be configured for each story or component through the mirage parameter:

// withServer.js
export const withServer = makeServer => (StoryFn) => {
const server = useRef();
const { logging, fixtures, handlers, timing, instance } = useParameter(
handlers: null,
fixtures: null,
logging: false,
timing: null,
instance: null
// rest of setup in useEffect
// Page.stories.js | Page.stories.ts

import Page from './Page';

export default {
title: 'Page',
component: Page,
parameters: {
mirage: {
// automatically log requests to browser console
logging: true,
// customize when a request responds
timing: 1000,
// override route handlers for the story
handlers: {
get: {
'/api/user': 404, // status code
'/api/items': [204, {}, { items: [] }], // arguments for Response
post: {
'api/task': { task: {} } // body for Response
// data to seed Mirage ORM
fixtures: null,
// pass in a custom Mirage server instance to override the global setting
instance: null

All this will allow components to make requests like normal, captured by Mirage with the same behavior as when using it in normal development and testing.

By tracking state in the decorator, the integration could become more interactive when displayed in a custom panel:

Custom storybook panel to modify response data and status Custom storybook panel to modify the response data and status

Custom storybook panel to view request logs View request logs handled by Mirage

Combined with the ability to reuse stories in unit test scenarios, building features that depend on remote data sources has become incredibly streamlined and independent of running the complete app locally. I hope you find this knowledge and workflow as productive as I have.

The addon is published here: storybook-mirage