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Pebble Mock

A sketch mockup of the popular smartwatch for watchface design

As an early backer of the Pebble smartwatch during their Kickstarter campaign in mid-2012, I have been most excited about this new path for technology and the ability to design my own watchfaces; I have seen a few PSD mockups for this task but as a Sketch user, I decided to create my own. It was well received in the Pebble community with over 2000 downloads of the black and white designs. I plan to use my design skills to bring great looking watchfaces to Pebble users worldwide.

White Pebble Mockup

This was a time when I was using Sketch just about everyday to make or recreate something cool I saw on the web. I was having so much fun with that and my brand new Pebble, I decided to combine the two loves to produce products for fun and no profit.

I started out with the blank Pebble face template for other Sketch users to design their own Pebble watchface backgrounds or full-fledged Pebble apps. After making the template I attempted to make my own watchface for the upcoming 24-hour Disney event that was Monsters University themed, so I designed MikeFace digital watch you see below. Working in grayscale was a great limitation for sticking to the bare necessities of the character rather than its color. The same went for the MinionTime watchface in anticipation of the Despicable Me 2 movie, which appeared to be much more focused on the minions this time around.

I will probably continue to make watchfaces as I find the time and want to. Pebble keeps improving their product, so I'm still so happy that I was one of the first to start using this fantastically convenient tool.

MikeFace WatchMinion Time

Download links for the Black Pebble Template and the White Template.